Product Safety and Quality Policy

Our policy ensures product safety and quality for all Copamate products.

View Policy

Occupational Health and Safety Policy

Our policy protects the workforce at Copamate and those around us.

View Policy

Environment Policy

Our policy protects the environment and keeps operations sustainable.

View Policy

Our Standards

IRIS Certification

ISO 9001
ISO 2768:1
ISO 1514
AS/NZS 1554.1
AS 1665

ISO 22163:2023 (IRIS)
ISO 9606
ISO 13920:C

ISO 9001

AS 3992
AS 4041
AS 1210
AS/NZS 1554.1

AS 4458
AS 3992
AS/NZS 1554.6
AS/NZS 1665

AS 4100
AS 4037
AS9100(Audit Soon)
DISP(Coming Soon)

Partnerships and Associations

Bespoke engineering solutions.

Contact us for manufacturing solutions.